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Sometimes Logic is too boring,
And religion is a lie...
When a soul is heavily storming,
There is not so much to die

Anyhow, we got to find
Our circumstance exception,
And according to the mind,
Make the worthiest needed action

Conflict of a misty dust,
Called the blooming star,
Recognizes human's last
To all that is too far...

Just make your best while living on the Earth!
You knew it would not be so simple.
That game of wonders, death and birth.
And all it's meaning, hidden inside deeply...

You better tell the truth all the time,
Or it will come back to you,
It's not about Bible crime -
It is a law: God gives you everything you are addicted to.

When revolution comes...
It's not about innocence harm.
God always makes a true deal,
Acting like it isn't he.

New Era - new rules and priorities,
New thoughts, new names and believes.
In a secular moment of glory
When everyone is on it's knee.

The world prepares for changes
Of consciousness, mind and spirit.
Find your real self in ages,
Take revolution... Feel it!

Big blue eyes, coquettishly flowing...
What is it there to be going?
Just for a while, Love strikes you again,
You have to decide, is it worthy of pain...

Shine, Girl, Shine, and don't miss the train
Of real possibility of happiness shooting.
Love of divinity awares of vain,
It's lost in a state of each other's moody...

Sun would shine forever, whatever it is,
Love is on Top of all that Life stuff.
Feel the Existence, oh, gorgeous Miss...
With Love you are One. Without - just a...

Нехай кожен день для Вас буде казкою,
І хай чоловік Вас радує ласкою,
Хай дітки про маму бдайливо піклуються,
І неодмінно хай мрії всі збудуться!!!

Посиди в темноті,
Згадай про минуле,
І часи вже не ті
Але ти не забула.
Ти ще мрієш і віриш, -
Що не згасне щаслива зірка,
Ти спокійно і кріпко спиш,
І лишень зрідка буває гірко.
Але вірити й жити - треба,
Щоб потому не гризло сумління,
Світ не буде таким без тебе,
Ти частинка його творіння!

Devil take, as the sun
Spills from a cloud light!
To me as though again
Eighteen, you are right.

And in all four fingers
Wind - the hooligan -
Jumping with a singing,
Skips along the plain. :)

The true religion hides within yourself.
You will reveal it by a true divine will,
Breaking up all mind's lies and shelf,
But having clear look still...

It's not about special section and dogmatics.
It's free and beneficial just for you.
For me - to make the world so enlightened,
That it will come united perfect view.

Oh yes, there are some true and magic moments,
Higher than a usual life itself.
Aura, angels, energy of glory...
As well as it is atom and your health...

What is there to be conscioused?
What is there to be gained?
Anyways, so in Love with your touches,
I am thinking about you again.

Нобелевский лауреат мира -
Гениальный Левша!

На подковку "ливийской блохи"
Перевёл...уйму долляровСША.

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