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Среди пустыни грёз, почти к краю земли,
наполненной прохладой и терпеньем,
негаданно явилась ты - как песнь забытая весны,
как музыка былого вдохновения.
И каждый раз когда смотрю в твои глаза
все больше понимаю,
такое может сделать лишь одна,
чьи глаза так радостно сияют.

Хай сьогодні всі радіють,
нехай всі співають,
хто до тебе не байдужий -
ніжно обіймають.
Хай всміхнеться тобі сонце
променем багряним,
ти найкраща в цілім всіті
люба наша мамо.

Великий шматок
Від життя
Ухоплю для тебе я.

Повір мені,
Я не зраджу
І життя казковим зроблю.

Завжди відкриті,
Заходь, пробачу усе-
Ненавидіти не можу тебе.

Буде жити надія,
ЇЇ не тримай,
Але й не втрачай.

Ти для мене єдина,
Я виправляю твої помилки,
І хочу усього навчити.

Please, don’t leave me alone
Please, don’t make me cry
I want to be with you
I don’t want to love die

I never forget this wonderful night
Where just you and me
Where cool moon’s light
Please, tell me you will be my
Please, tell me you never go away
I wish night will be stay

But morning close and close
And love like withering rose
And this is true. Please don’t cry
Cause I don’t want to tell you lie
I scream I love you!
But love already died.


If the stars become blue,
All my dreams will come true,
And cold light can exist, if you are a priest...
If you want to think right,
All you need -just cold mind.
But when you are burn, all round things overturn.

Night is a long day shadow
Light the stars on a sky meadow.

Day is a light of life,
If it’s sunny – we are bright.

Day show us the way,
The games we make and play.

Night tell us the meaning,
Fresh our mind and open filings.

All in life have double side -
Left and right,
Black and white,
Dark and light…
Day and night.

mijn zonnetje...
ik mis je warmte,
mijn vlam is wacht
op je innige krachten,

mijn rode bloem...
is lekker vochtig,
en blaadjes willen
meer licht,


een rechte harde
voor mooie lente bloesem,
voor kleur en geur

je lippen, kussen,

Steel shattered in the night
Soldiers racing to the fight
Bombs waiting to explode
Fear is cast up on your soul

It's just around the corner
For those who dare to see
With eyes of fire
The burn right through me

Blood painted on the streets
Metal cutting into meat
You can see it in my eyes
Pain that never will subside

And you can feel the power
On evil it will feed
The force that surrounds me
It brings me to my knees

We better run for cover
There's no time to waste...

Out in the streets
We're fighting tonight
We're dirty and mean
So run for you lives

We stand side by side
With our fists in the air
We live for the night
On the razor's edge

Unleashing the sound
Lashing out, striking down
All those who stand in the way

Taking their lives
Crushing them just like flies
The cries of the wounded in pain

Fighting the fight as we race through the night
With power like never before

Hammering, bashing them, pounding and smashing them
Hard so...

We are fighting for your lives
Oooh, we are the soldiers in the line of fire

Down in the trenches we wait for the night
The time is approaching
We're ready to strike

We'll stop at nothing
There's no holding back
Born to raise hell
We will attack

Pounding away
Tearing through flesh
Soldiers of metal
Fight to the death

Blasting the cannons
Shaking the ground
Hacking and killing
We're not fooling around

Warriors in battle
All dressed in black
A slash and a thrust

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