Wilderness the lost

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Для неё эти дни
Солнце и вода,
Где поют воробьи
И фонарь - звезда...
Фейерверк из надежд,
Света водоём -
Апрелю с октябрём.

Вмерзнув в хмурую мглу
Злого октября,
Нёс он сердце к костру
Что зажгла заря...
Так шагни за рубеж -
Там тепло вдвоём -
Апрелю с октябрём.

Мы огоньки
Из двух миров,
В конце строки
Была любовь...
Быть может - яд,
И точно - крест.
Но этот взгляд...
Но этот жест...

Свой отдельный секрет
Зарядили в нас,
Каждый как пистолет
Ждёт дуэльный час...

You are Welcome - No Entrens

Я найду тебя в тишине
Я постигну тебя в темноте

Ты мне снишься порою весенней

Ну а Летом Пьём Ночь
Мне Вселенская Дочь
Что порою шлёт письма по почте

If one day you'd backed up a promise you made
We'd have to make it a holiday
'Cause we both know that day would never come again
If one day your word was as good as gold
It'd be too late cause I'd be too old
I don't think a human being could live that long

I never gave a damn
I was never even a fan
The only thing that makes me smile if your pain
I don't even care
When did you treat anyone fair?
To say I'm not enjoying this would be insane

Sodium Pentathol was an idea I had

Помнишь наши дни?
время нашей любви
наш испанский пляж
аргентинское танго
эти времена
вспоминаю во снах
это время для нас с тобой
ночи напролет
всё о нас нам поет и с собою зовет

помнишь те времена?
было нам не до сна
и крутая луна благославляла нас

помнишь ту весну?
я любил лишь тебя одну
наши годы прошли
но летают стрижи
вспоминай, вспоминай
наш весенний тот май

remember the time

The thought: "So that you may know ..." was revealed to me a little from the preface, and we considered it as:
That is, in other words, Master, we realized the possibility, but we did not know where it came from.

Between the great sheikh and the great Ferdowsi,
The basis of their work is a star Simurghi.

The sign, his sages from the Tajiks,
As well as each of the nations of the world.

The owner of the symbol, compared to the birds:
"Phoenix in Europe, Illness of Americans"


The clouds of risen Peroun
Pass, like celestial shields.
He casts the lightning like unblunted arrows
Across the sky and down to the earth.
The thunder thus proclaims the end of the era of ice,
And blessed rain and hail
Consecrate herbs and forests,
Serving the burial service over the deceased Winter.

May-June, 2012

The child of the Volga region,
White, like a butterfly in the pitch black night
And fragrant, like an incense in the dungeon,
You stand alone in all your royal might.
Born by the land of the disgraceful strangers,
So cold and wild, and by the Heavens cursed,
Within the glades and mountain ranges,
You dwell on the summit of the Universe.
Your life is sad, but hopefully,
You are a luminary for this World, truly.

June 14, 2012

The day has come, the Sun has risen!
The angels chant the hymns of Love!
And came true the brilliant visions,
On our shoulders sit the doves.
We took upon ourselves the vows
To be His children, faithful and chaste,
To strive to enter His Celestial House,
To overcome the pow'r of ill fate.
Eternity is ours, dear!
I am with you for evermore.
There's no reason for bitter fear,
We are blessed greatly by the Lord.

March 13, 2013

The moon's a big white football,
The sun's a pound of butter.
The earth is going round the twist
And l'm a little nutter!

The tender silence of your alleys,
Alluring splashing from the sea -
It's only you who touch my feelings,
And only you I long to see.

With you I've never been alone,
Cause you're just so unique -
The only place for my soul
To be born, to love and to live.

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