Last christmas

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Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special


Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me baby
Do you recognize me?
It's been a year
It doesn't surprise me
I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying "I love you"
I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now
I know you'd fool me again


A crowded...

I cannot sleep-the night is young
I cannot eat-i want some fun
I pick you up-route 66
Life gives me the kick
I cannot live-i love this life
I cannot die-can i survive
I cannot breath-without your love
I can´t get enough

It´s the last exit to brooklyn
New york city,oh is waiting
You´re a new boy,you´re a party guy
Baby lets dance,and have some joy
West coast,east side,that is the place where
New york,L.A. i wanna live there
New york city boy,L.A. party girl
Baby let´s dance,in a...

How could this happen to me?
I made my mistakes...
Where the pain that you feel?
It's in our hands.
I don't know what to do,
So just give me this chance,
And when I'm around you,
I know, this is my place.
Don't wanna wake up today,
Don't wanna think about my sorrow.
Just for one more day,
One more day with you...
Don't wanna think about tomorrow.

В тот вечер восхитительный
С пылающей душой,
Ловила взгляд пленительный
Я за твоей спиной.

Восторженно и нежно
Он звёзды рассыпал!
Зачем-то вдруг небрежно
Мою ты руку сжал.

И голосом усталым
Сказал: «Пора домой!»
Вмиг угольком я стала
С потухшею душой.

Он так неосторожно
Мне звёзды рассыпал!
Ручьями слёз безнадёжно
Меня вслед обнимал.

Сплела я ожерелье
Из огненных лучей.
И отнесла в ущелье
На крыльях голубей.

Под Рождество гадая
Всё думала о нём.
Той ночью...

Увидев c семьдесят ярких огней,
Каждый ждёт чуда с их "небес"
Слушай Метод без проблем:

Just like seventies goofballs
Увидев с семьдесят ярких огней,
He’s waiting on last calls
Каждый ждёт чуда с их "небес"
Well listen to Method Man
Слушай Метод без проблем:
'cause if you leave on the last line
Небес реальная жизнь,
Don’t leave on the ground kind
В других верхах.
Born just a little too slow
Жить в спокойном ритме здесь... в ка-айф!
Just a little too slow
Не торопись лови... ка...

Flood-tide below me! I see you face to face!
Clouds of the west – sun there half of hour high –
I see you also face to face.

Crowds of men and women attired in the usual costumes, how curious you are to me!
On the ferry-boats the hundreds and hundreds that cross , returning home,, are more curious to me than you suppose,
And you that shell cross from shore to shore years hence are more to me, and more in my meditations, that you might suppose.


The impalpable sustenance of me from...

Every night I used to cry
Afraid I’d never find it till I’d die
But at last it seemed to be true
At last I did find you

You know I love you endlessly
I never thought that this could be
I’ll love you with all my heart
And I hope we’ll never be apart

The love I always get from you
Makes me feel amazingly real
Although my love is for you so real
I need you to know how I feel.

No New Year's Day to celebrate
No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
No first of spring
No song to sing
In fact here's just another ordinary day

No April rain
No flowers bloom
No wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is, is something true
Made up of these three words that I must say to you

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

No summer's high

Another Christmas...
Same sage.
One step closer
To a new age.
Energy spins
In hidden tornado.
Wie gehts, meine lieb

after midnight
got dark
last window in the world

после полуночи
последнее в мире окно

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