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В тот вечер восхитительный
С пылающей душой,
Ловила взгляд пленительный
Я за твоей спиной.

Восторженно и нежно
Он звёзды рассыпал!
Зачем-то вдруг небрежно
Мою ты руку сжал.

И голосом усталым
Сказал: «Пора домой!»
Вмиг угольком я стала
С потухшею душой.

Он так неосторожно
Мне звёзды рассыпал!
Ручьями слёз безнадёжно
Меня вслед обнимал.

Сплела я ожерелье
Из огненных лучей.
И отнесла в ущелье
На крыльях голубей.

Под Рождество гадая
Всё думала о нём.
Той ночью...

Бедная девушка,
Брошенная одинокая грешница,
Раскладывающая пасьянс,
Играющая в образ наблюдателя твоей душевной ретуши,
Ты под замком темницы из собственных схем.

Ты даже не можешь себе вообразить,
Каково мне,
Собирать во взгляде твой плач.

Бедная девушка,
Ты порвала сковавшую тебя сеть,
Кинула взор сквозь лезвия своей решетки,
На сегодня расплавила свои стены, как ледяную клеть.
Ты угодила в капкан из собственных схем.

Бедная девушка,
Скорей уноси свою тень,
Не проворонь...

What you mean,
When say that all have already seen?
When you say that is not so terrible to fight
With crowd of memoirs at night.
Recently you simply lay,
But it to leave all how before to try.
But now you became simply a phantom, vision,
Which unique purpose to execute the mission -
To take away my soul to itself,
And it needs to have time to be made to twelve.
Otherwise we will not meet more, and you even will
Forget to what at us was before.

Going through the Prosper dreams,
Looking after Wealth,
Flying in Successful beams,
Abundance and the Health

Collecting puzzles of the Luck,
Beyond Eternal Happiness,
The thoughts will make effective knock
With Mind - their Sentinel

I am the Luck, and I am Success,
To all World Wonders I have an Access,
The Angel is my guard, the God is my Coach,
With Them I'll follow the truthful approach

Chain of the Eights(8) is my Surround -
They are the Luck, and they are Infinite...

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Come back and bring back my smile
Come and take these tears away
I need your arms to hold me now
The nights are so unkind
Bring back those nights when I held you beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked outta my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my heart
My heart

Take back that sad word good-bye
Bring back the joy...

Экстази взрыв,
Один за одним,
Оргазм раненье тел внутри. Неудовл лечи!

Well ive been sitting thinking of your smile and all of your perfect solutions and getting drunk with the boys just don't cut, fills you full of illusions.

"Создай восторг, нескучай" - тебя я очень жду: "твоих губ волне внутри во мне растворите"... радость на лице светнесс (-ness [nes] или [nis]) с друзьями выпить но не спать... "иллюзив вне себя ощутите".

I'm always tired and sometimes stale, its like a job at...

Jupiter’s getting closer to the Earth…
Stars are flashing, dancing with a magic Moon.
Why does it happen? All that life, and birth…
I would become the answer soon.

A child will fall asleep, as it is need,
And go to other worlds, full of wonders,
Where we my find all the needed answers,
Where Sphere of God does showing you a lead.

Duality will not disturb a heavy soul,
And it will rise, according to a freedom,
Attacking balance on a second, acting foul,
It brings a shadow on a...

Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way!

На солнце снег искрит.
Оленей оседлав,
К нам Санта в гости мчит
На сказочных санях.

Он Jingle bells поет
На странном языке
С седою бородой
И посохом в руке.

Динь-дилинь, динь-дилинь!
Бубенцы звенят!
В Новый год
Счатье ждет
Взрослых и ребят!

Он весело поет,
В такт бубенцы звенят.
Везет он Новый год,
Подарки для ребят...

It was in a twilight of fresh world cleft,
Million nights from the Equator left,
Nations were searching for a chance to unite.
However, the life was always a fight...

I have been spending my time in somewhere,
Sending a voice of Divine out of there,
And it was a second when stars were shining coquetly,
When Angel in clothes of human was being an actor.

I sent him a knowledge of truth and heat of its Home,
Said that it wouldn't be long, but eternal as stone,
That God is...

Just make your best while living on the Earth!
You knew it would not be so simple.
That game of wonders, death and birth.
And all it's meaning, hidden inside deeply...

You better tell the truth all the time,
Or it will come back to you,
It's not about Bible crime -
It is a law: God gives you everything you are addicted to.

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