
Красивые стихи про Wonder на различные темы: о любви, стихи поздравления, короткие стихи, для детей и многие другие вы найдете в ленте поэтических публикаций нашего сайта.

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i’m looking at the sun
through the fingers of trees
it’s a shining something
through the little twigs
i’m enjoy… this silence
so sensitive fire ,
that’s going to me
it’ s really nice

and my beautiful smile,
that’s i got from your ray
i’m return …
again and again….
i‘m exiting …
so beautiful
i want to reply…
it’s a great inspiration
of your spiritual wave

i’m looking at the sun
through the fingers of trees
everything talking
about your feelings
it’s a joke...

Please, don’t leave me alone
Please, don’t make me cry
I want to be with you
I don’t want to love die

I never forget this wonderful night
Where just you and me
Where cool moon’s light
Please, tell me you will be my
Please, tell me you never go away
I wish night will be stay

But morning close and close
And love like withering rose
And this is true. Please don’t cry
Cause I don’t want to tell you lie
I scream I love you!
But love already died.


Going through the Prosper dreams,
Looking after Wealth,
Flying in Successful beams,
Abundance and the Health

Collecting puzzles of the Luck,
Beyond Eternal Happiness,
The thoughts will make effective knock
With Mind - their Sentinel

I am the Luck, and I am Success,
To all World Wonders I have an Access,
The Angel is my guard, the God is my Coach,
With Them I'll follow the truthful approach

Chain of the Eights(8) is my Surround -
They are the Luck, and they are Infinite...

Jupiter’s getting closer to the Earth…
Stars are flashing, dancing with a magic Moon.
Why does it happen? All that life, and birth…
I would become the answer soon.

A child will fall asleep, as it is need,
And go to other worlds, full of wonders,
Where we my find all the needed answers,
Where Sphere of God does showing you a lead.

Duality will not disturb a heavy soul,
And it will rise, according to a freedom,
Attacking balance on a second, acting foul,
It brings a shadow on a...

Just make your best while living on the Earth!
You knew it would not be so simple.
That game of wonders, death and birth.
And all it's meaning, hidden inside deeply...

You better tell the truth all the time,
Or it will come back to you,
It's not about Bible crime -
It is a law: God gives you everything you are addicted to.

You bloom in my heart like a beautiful rose in summer.
You cherish my spirit and give me the sense of delight.
Your innermost dreams and incredibly zany desires
Are so fantastic and bright.
Your radiant smile is wonderful, gorgeous, magnificent.
Your ugliest beauty and perfume’s voluptuous smell,
Your tender embraces and the warmth of your passionate kisses
Just take use to heavenly hell.
You’re always with me in my whimsical dreams and illusions
And never before have I been so happy...

Безумен, раз мне сейчас так одиноко.
Я безумец, мне не унять грусть мою.
Я знал, ты чувствуешь то что захочешь,
И надолго тебя удержать не смогу

Горе... Так сердце бьется от горя...
Знать бы, в чем же себя я виню?
Жаль мне, тебя не удержишь любовью.
Безумен стараясь, безумен страдая,
Тем безумен, что так люблю

Жаль мне, тебя не удержишь любовью.
Безумен стараясь, безумен страдая,
Тем безумен, что так люблю

Crazy, Julio Iglesias

Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely

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