Twin flame

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Don't U forget
To take all you wish to take
With yourself into the Mystery!..
Life wasn't a useless fake,
It means so much for the History
Of Earth deeds. What your Spirit needs
Is a new fresh flash water splash,
Again U will find!..
Awakening Consciousness and Mind...

Have U already met you Love?
The Twin Flame, sent from Above?
Did you guess the meaning of Life?
Have you passed it at least a half?..

Search for a Moment
Of Glory of God!
Drive the Existence van!
Any Tree or...

Big blue eyes, coquettishly flowing...
What is it there to be going?
Just for a while, Love strikes you again,
You have to decide, is it worthy of pain...

Shine, Girl, Shine, and don't miss the train
Of real possibility of happiness shooting.
Love of divinity awares of vain,
It's lost in a state of each other's moody...

Sun would shine forever, whatever it is,
Love is on Top of all that Life stuff.
Feel the Existence, oh, gorgeous Miss...
With Love you are One. Without - just a...

What is there to be conscioused?
What is there to be gained?
Anyways, so in Love with your touches,
I am thinking about you again.

Where are you, my love and tenderness
Where are you, my hope and happiness…
In this world, oh, it can be so cruel
But without you I’m without a soul!

Now I’m lonely and I’m lost
Our roads will never cross
Like a pilot in his plane
I go crashing down in flames
To the end of all my days

Now my world is just an empty cell
It’s become complete and fiery hell
In this world, oh, it can be so cruel
But without you I’m without a soul!

Now I’m lonely and I’m lost
Our roads...

Храни меня, мой талисман,
Храни меня во дни гоненья,
Во дни раскаянья, волненья:
Ты в день печали был мне дан.

Когда подымет океан
Вокруг меня валы ревучи,
Когда грозою грянут тучи -
Храни меня, мой талисман.

В уединенье чуждых стран,
На лоне скучного покоя,
В тревоге пламенного боя
Храни меня, мой талисман.

Священный сладостный обман,
Души волшебное светило...
Оно сокрылось, изменило...
Храни меня, мой талисман.

Пускай же ввек сердечных ран

Out in the streets
We're fighting tonight
We're dirty and mean
So run for you lives

We stand side by side
With our fists in the air
We live for the night
On the razor's edge

Unleashing the sound
Lashing out, striking down
All those who stand in the way

Taking their lives
Crushing them just like flies
The cries of the wounded in pain

Fighting the fight as we race through the night
With power like never before

Hammering, bashing them, pounding and smashing them
Hard so...

… Но вдруг сквозняком захлопнуло дверь в мир искрящихся фантазий.
И пламя, разгоревшееся от одной из искр, потухло.
Так же, как гаснет костёр в лесу, залитый внезапно
обрушившемся на него с неба потоком слёз.
И только Эрот продолжал метать во все стороны свои стрелы,
опираясь пухлой ножкой на пушистое облако
и при этом загадочно улыбаясь. Наблюдая за ним,
я старалась разглядеть его лицо.
Но, если бы смотрела со спины, то заметила бы,
что одно из крыльев ангела подбито и перья...

Day by day, watching you disappear
Wishing that you were still here beside me
On my own, swimming against the tide
There's nobody on my side but your memory
Chorus 1:
Then you'll rise right before my eyes
On wings that fill the sky
Like a phoenix rising
Like a phoenix rising
Wings on fire, tearing into the night
Screaming into the light of another day
Carry me out of the hurricane
Into the smoke and flame and we'll fly away
Chorus 2:
And we'll rise right before their eyes
On wings...

On the turning away
From the pale and downtrodden
And the words they say
Which we won't understand
"Don't accept that what's happening
Is just a case of others' suffering
Or you'll find that you're joining in
The turning away"
It's a sin that somehow
Light is changing to shadow
And casting it's shroud
Over all we have known
Unaware how the ranks have grown
Driven on by a heart of stone
We could find that we're all alone
In the dream of the proud
On the wings of the night

Jeder wird nach Deutschland zu gehen.
So what's the reason of a such absurd desire
Sagen alle das Mutterland auf wiedersehen.
Though all the world in now burning in a fire!

The Flame of long-expected Spiritual Awakening,
Das Feuer der goettlichen Menschen Sternen.
What nation was the most of it caretaking
Wer die Absicht geoeuBert, zu lernen

Dies ist eine Revolution des Lebens, Kameraden!
And humans of every possible aura color
Are ready for changes of the Divine Installer...

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