The law of life

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One day a boy went walking,
And walked into a store.
He bought a pound of sausages meat,
And laid it on the floor.

The boy began to whistle -
He whistled up a tune,
And all the little sausages
Danced around the room.

Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!
Even though it be a cross that raiseth me;
Still all my song would be nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!
Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down,
Darkness be over me, my rest a stone;
Yet in my dreams I’d be nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!
There let the way appear steps unto heav’n;
All that Thou sendest me in mercy giv’n;
Angels to beckon me nearer, my God, to...

Promise me you will always be near,
Always ready for me you to hear,
Always spreading the consciousness light,
That will make stronger our united might

Promise me you will be an abundance,
Anyway, is it sunny or thunder,
You will open your Deity inside,
And rise it up every day-night

Promise me you will remember
That we are just part of the plan,
But we are the determinant members:
To open the God, or to slam...

I like
When I do not need to play the role.
I can throw off the mask and be myself.
I do not need to hide my soul.
I can be honest and sincere.
I like
When I can feel the freedom in my heard.
I can be open
Because I know
You will understand me
You will support me
You will not hurt me.

If you ever know,
That it is so extremely well
When you do not need words.
When you look in someone eyes
And all is understandable.
When someone speak
And you don’t hear
You only try to catch...

Energy... the universal power,
making any thing and matter one.
It creates eternal tower
of everything that was and should be done.

Existence... the calibration source,
giving all its name and special task.
Where energy is a special force
that's up to place ideas on the desk.

Divinity... the existential ocean,
where every essence plays its role on stage.
Where energy is spinning in a motion...
and it is so at any time in any age.

O World of Love, you’re full of joie de vivre!
Your eyes surpass the grandeur of the Sol,
My saintly tart, my goddess and my peer,
Thou art more beauteous than a rainbow!

We are together in this Universe,
The Sun has married us for evermore;
No evil spirit, nor the sorcerer’s curse
Will ever ruin our immortal amour.
February 22, 2012

Меняются вкусы, толкая к безумству,
Уже вместо пива нас тянет к искусству.
Зачем-то сильнее нас солнце лелеет
И юноша робкий всё чаще краснеет.
Возможно случилось, о чём так мечтали,
Шептали, вкушали и книги читали.
Размашисто смайлик рисую в тетрадке,
Да нет я не болен, со мной всё порядке.

Нам стесняться уже надоело,
На асфальте выводим мы мелом:
"Все проблемы, идите вы на ...
Ворвалась в сердце наше весна !"

Цветы покупает гопник девчонке,
В наглаженных бриджах, в красивой...

Now you're going slightly nuts
With all your plastic desires
With all your trivial dreams
You want nothing but to fire
All of them full of beans
When the world becomes a little bit concrete
And all those clowns displease
You will find me out on Main-street
Dancing with the holy trees
Weary of not doing
The things you want to do
Tired of pursuing
Things you never wanted to
Of ail! your plastic desires
Of alt your trivial dreams
You want nothing but to fire
All of them full of...

Толерантность смерти.
Самобытность замкнутого пространства.
Выцветшие губы не ветру,уносящем мысль.
Хрипота в прокуренном голосе любви.
Идиотский смех ребенка-дауна,
Кому суждено свершить Великое.
После чего Чело возымеет по периметру Разума Ореол Гения.

Колесо в движении.
Паутина искривленных измерений.
Обрывающиеся следы на краю бездны.
Глаза очарованные затмением.
Муравьинная дрожь по коже.
Круг на земле нарисованный одиночеством.

Осенние пейзажи вселенной...

Cats sleep anywhere,
Any table, any chair,
Top of piano, window-ledge,
In the middle, on the edge,
Open drawer, empty shoe,
Anybody's lap will do,
Fitted in a cardboard box,
In the cupboard with your frocks -
They don't care!
Cats sleep Anywhere!

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