Parables of kryon
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Стихи - Father and Son
There was a Father on planet of Earth,
He waited his son to be born,
Carpenter was the aforesaid Father
His handicrafts going to reborn
Shouting about the birth of the Son,
Father repeated about his craft,
With happiness Father had laughed
The Son and the Father were loving each other,
But it revealed that the Son had grown up,
And he understood that these legends annoy him,
And go with ideas of Father apart
"Father, please listen -
I think independently, ...
"Son, you do not...
He waited his son to be born,
Carpenter was the aforesaid Father
His handicrafts going to reborn
Shouting about the birth of the Son,
Father repeated about his craft,
With happiness Father had laughed
The Son and the Father were loving each other,
But it revealed that the Son had grown up,
And he understood that these legends annoy him,
And go with ideas of Father apart
"Father, please listen -
I think independently, ...
"Son, you do not...
Автор: listengort888
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