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So, what shall I tell you, does anybody know?
How can I show you what is hidden deep below?

I can’t control this, it’s growing inside.
Questioning myself – why should I hide?

Feelings are complex, no way to get free,
But I’ll not kill them, I’ll let them just be.

Looking into your eyes, what am I waiting?
Do you understand me or am I mistaken?

This is forbidden, but it’s not a sin.
All of my life – where have you been?

Flood-tide below me! I see you face to face!
Clouds of the west – sun there half of hour high –
I see you also face to face.

Crowds of men and women attired in the usual costumes, how curious you are to me!
On the ferry-boats the hundreds and hundreds that cross , returning home,, are more curious to me than you suppose,
And you that shell cross from shore to shore years hence are more to me, and more in my meditations, that you might suppose.


The impalpable sustenance of me from...

I feel so strong…
It’s full inside…
My Heart is growing,
Fly, do, fly…
All clear, sunny…
Through misfit
And lie…
My Soul is dreaming…
To have the true ring…
To be ripe
To real rafting...
To the life...
It's easy, lassie...
So... untie...
And tigging whisper...
Go on, fly...

If there is something
You cannot accept,
Stiuation, Existence Part, Man,
Take yourself in a loan.
As here you had never stood.
No time - no space - no mood.
So nothing would have been left.
Objectivise it, feel the Power of Plan...
The Universe is a smiling eternal cleft
In God's Divinity's Holy's Infinite's boots.
And Go On... Go on... Go on... Searching Your Higher Self.

Замечательно всё, жизнь просто прелесть,
Я дыханием елей, упоительно нежусь.
Разгоняя на сердце, любовный дурман,
С головой непокрытой, в осень иду.
А в осеннем лесу, необычная свежесть,
И деревья в низинах, укутал туман.
Значит всё, мне теперь одному,
И чего-то не будет, как прежде.
От седого дождя, никуда не бегу,
Листьев слушаю , тонкий шелест.
Что случилось, поверить ещё не могу,
Невозможно забыть, мне дарившую нежность.
Я в хорошее верю.... кричу облакам.
Может смогут понять...

1. Куплет
I didn't know before,
That I can love any more.
I didn't know one time
That you can be mine.
I didn't know that tears,
Hide behind the walls of realities,
My soul has become so bright.
She radiates so much light.
You’re are my,
I'll be yours.
It's all serious
I'll be yours.
You’re are my,
All the time.
2. Куплет
Fate brought us together
And we'll be family forever.
Trouble is nothing to us.
Fly away problems dust.
Our children are growing up,
Happiness be...

Believe me I will love you when you grow old,
I’ll love you anyway, even you totally bold.
I’ll love you if you be weak and poor,
I simply love you for no reason, be sure.
Believe me, you’re the most handsome man,
Don’t repeat stupid word which you said.
Your eyes & your smile is like heaven,
I wish I could look at it ever & ever.
I will remember you for all of my life,
You gave me the reason to feel myself alive.

Before my dreams are turned to snow,
I’ll make a step into the light.
I’m sorry but I need to go.
I cannot win this wisdom’s fight.

In winter stream of my desires,
I close my eyes, so you may see
How hopeful thoughts grow dark through fires.
And here’s my life in misery.

This mode of leaving you behind
In moist and misty endless world
Is just a tear that I can’t cry,
Is just a soul that wasn’t sold…

Крадётся свет луны ночной
И прогоняет летний зной.
Шаги уносят смуты дня -
Пусть мир кружится без меня

Свою религию творя,
С тобой вдвоём стоим в дверях.
Парфюм твой, что тебя вдыхал,
Меня, окутав, пропитал

И я хочу к тебе прижаться,
Только сердце пустилось вскачь -
И я тебя едва касаюсь

Снять и затерять,
Лампы свет приглушить -
Любовь мою
Не утолить.
Продолжай же дразнить,
Чтоб по капле испить
Любовь, что мне
Не утолить

Бежит по коже лунный свет,
И скрытен губ...

In the summertime
The dew shines like diamonds
Cast from the heaven.

Minutes pass away,
Bringing closer the date of
My mournful decease.

Women are like fruits:
The sweetest grow on the top,
And can’t be reached by midgets.
February, 2010

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