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It was in a twilight of fresh world cleft,
Million nights from the Equator left,
Nations were searching for a chance to unite.
However, the life was always a fight...

I have been spending my time in somewhere,
Sending a voice of Divine out of there,
And it was a second when stars were shining coquetly,
When Angel in clothes of human was being an actor.

I sent him a knowledge of truth and heat of its Home,
Said that it wouldn't be long, but eternal as stone,
That God is...


Когда на землю опускается печаль,
Когда душа твоя скрывается в вуаль,
Не говори, что всё прошло,
не говори, что всё ушло,
Пусть даже, если и надолго отошло!


Люблю я май за солнце,
люблю февраль за вьюгу,
Пусть даже не нужны мы
с тобой теперь друг другу!
Люблю сентябрь дождливый,
люблю июнь хвастливый
Пусть даже мы не встретимся
с тобою больше, милый! **


Когда земля вся наряжается в цветы,
Когда в душе вновь пробуждаются мечты,
Не говори, что всё...

I Got So Much Trouble on My Mind
Paranoia Time
I'm Running out of Life
Clockwise and the Seconds Tick Way
Each Line That Cuts My Face
Cut as Each Hand Moves into Place
Paranoiaamped and Wired
Bile Black the Thoughts That Run My Head
There's So Much to Be Said
They're So Much Living Dead
Walking Corpses Shambling Through Life
With Nothing in Their Sight
Dance on Their Bones, Step in and Fight
Amped and Wired
Life and Death Are Fighting for My Time
I Can't Seem to Find the...

Он карты сдал, уходя в раздумья
Никто и не отдал отчет,
Что он играет не ради денег,
Что не признание влечет

Играл он в поисках ответа,
Успеха формулу искал,
Где скрыта знаков закономерность,
Где числа правят бал

Я знаю что пики, как шпаги солдатов,
Я знаю, у треф - знак алебард,
По форме бубны - картежный бриллиант..
Не ставь, здесь, моё сердце в ряд

Он играл валетом бубен
И сдавал пиковых дам.
Умел он ждать, пока все забудут,
Припрятав короля

Я знаю что пики, как...

Flood-tide below me! I see you face to face!
Clouds of the west – sun there half of hour high –
I see you also face to face.

Crowds of men and women attired in the usual costumes, how curious you are to me!
On the ferry-boats the hundreds and hundreds that cross , returning home,, are more curious to me than you suppose,
And you that shell cross from shore to shore years hence are more to me, and more in my meditations, that you might suppose.


The impalpable sustenance of me from...

Я памятник себе воздвиг нерукотворный,
К нему не зарастет народная тропа,
Вознесся выше он главою непокорной
___Александрийского столпа.

Нет, весь я не умру — душа в заветной лире
Мой прах переживет и тленья убежит —
И славен буду я, доколь в подлунном мире
___Жив будет хоть один пиит.

Слух обо мне пойдет по всей Руси великой,
И назовет меня всяк сущий в ней язык,
И гордый внук славян, и финн, и ныне дикой
___Тунгус, и друг степей калмык.

И долго буду тем любезен я народу,

We all see black and white
When it comes to someone else's fight
No one ever gets involved
Apathy can never solve

FORCED OUT- Brave and Mighty
STOLEN LAND- They can't fight it
HOLD ON- To pride and tradition
Even though they know how much their lives are really missin'

On reservations
A hopeless situation
Respect is something that you earn
Our Indian brothers' getting burned
Original American
Turned into second class citizen

Cry for the Indians
Die for...

In the New Age, with the possibility
Of looking at Life Spiritual,
We now may let ourselves
Make spots of past effectual

And now we see differently
Past and the "Here and Now"
We guess: all that happened was Holy,
The Idea of God was allowed

So, everybody, let's Thank
Everyone who was following a script,
Choosing the Fate by themselves,
Who made the old World be slipped

It will not be easy, my friends,
But sometimes it will be too simple,
And, anyhow, it will rise us

There Is the Moon,
That's reflexing on February snow,
That is singing up high all alone,
I will come to You soon

There is the Moon,
That is shining on somebody's face,
That is watching humanity race,
Just reversing a noon

There is the night,
That is calling for Brightening Light,
That is waiting for heat of the Sun,
For God whims have been done

There is the Time,
That in Universe doesn't exist,
But on Earth it is hidden in mist,
Deep inside in the mind

There is the sky...

Heaven is for everyone
If you're old or if you're young
Baby, you can't kiss the past goodbye
When I saw her in the night cafe
Just near by the Champs-Elysee
She lookes so sad, she breaks my heart
She told me, she will take the car
And drive to an unknown star
She falls in love with someone else - not me
And I know, my tears will never dry
When I heard her say just goodbye
I never say, she guilty, guilty for my love

I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love...

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