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there was no dew until sunrise
on wet cold grass

не было росы до рассвета
на мокрой холодной траве

I Thank for every day of life,
I spread Eternal Light of God,
I'm full of Wisdom anytime,
See Opportunity in Block

Being the Energy of Sun,
I make my Spirit so much stronger,
My Consciousness is Bright and Spotless,
I do not Suffer any longer

I Correspond my Way with God,
My Karma is crystallized and clear,
I help the people all around,
And I'm free from any Fear

I see the Light where it's the Dark
And I can switch the dark to Light,
I switch destruction to Creation,
I feel...

In the summertime
The dew shines like diamonds
Cast from the heaven.

Minutes pass away,
Bringing closer the date of
My mournful decease.

Women are like fruits:
The sweetest grow on the top,
And can’t be reached by midgets.
February, 2010

Be thou blessed, Aurora, sister of Eos! The Heaven shines with the splendor of Deity! O Ra, Aten, and others with them, ye shine like diamond dew in the South, like diamanté snowflakes in the North. And ye grant life to all the living creatures. Ye generously spread your rays in the face of the Earth. The World celebrates the Sunrise.
February 2-4, 2012

The sunset blazes ‘pon the vault,
This afternoon dies slowly forever,
The world is overfilled with weariness and fatigue,
Another episode of this life’s masquerade
Comes to an end…
The curtain falls…
And beauteous Agnes Adoma,
The prima donna of the opera house,
A-shining in the luster of her fame,
Leaves her beloved stage to the ovation
Of the spectators.
Her eyes! Her gorgeous green eyes!
They shine, like emeralds in the midday fire of heaven!
Her skin is white, like a snow of the...

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