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Стихи - Black Dahlia Anthrax
Fistful of brass
Double barrelled pistons and a tank full of gas
He's a heavyweight
Enforcer inside
Like a man in the chair he's gonna go for a ride
Break him
Take him down
Squeeze him, watch him drown
Against lightning
The wind from his sails
Takes on a man who's harder than a coffin nail
Priceless, the look on his face
If you look real close you can see the expiration date
Break him
Take him down
Squeeze him, watch him drown
Black Dahlia's in my head
Fistful of brass
Double barrelled pistons and a tank full of gas
He's a heavyweight
Enforcer inside
Like a man in the chair he's gonna go for a ride
Break him
Take him down
Squeeze him, watch him drown
Against lightning
The wind from his sails
Takes on a man who's harder than a coffin nail
Priceless, the look on his face
If you look real close you can see the expiration date
Break him
Take him down
Squeeze him, watch him drown
Black Dahlia's in my head
Автор: Картинки
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