Bye sun home ru

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I sit through the long night
In the high tower,
And listen to the autumn rain
Outside my window.

There is no sound of human life,
Save now and then
A belated traveler hastening by.
Through the dark heaven,
A wild goose wings his lonely flight.
In the chill gloom
A cricket calls
The water drips mournfully
From the t'ung trees;
And the blossoms
Flutter sadly
To the rain-soaked earth.

Sadness broods
Over the world.
I fear to walk in my garden,
Lest I see

O World of Love, you’re full of joie de vivre!
Your eyes surpass the grandeur of the Sol,
My saintly tart, my goddess and my peer,
Thou art more beauteous than a rainbow!

We are together in this Universe,
The Sun has married us for evermore;
No evil spirit, nor the sorcerer’s curse
Will ever ruin our immortal amour.
February 22, 2012

Under the yoke of the winter
You slept, lethargic, in the North.
The evil king, the Frost, oppressed you,
But the power of the Sun
Has demolished his wicked kingdom!
Your dazzling-white petals,
Your gentle scent, intoxicating and alluring,
Has won over the permafrost.

May, 2012

The day has come, the Sun has risen!
The angels chant the hymns of Love!
And came true the brilliant visions,
On our shoulders sit the doves.
We took upon ourselves the vows
To be His children, faithful and chaste,
To strive to enter His Celestial House,
To overcome the pow'r of ill fate.
Eternity is ours, dear!
I am with you for evermore.
There's no reason for bitter fear,
We are blessed greatly by the Lord.

March 13, 2013


Я знаю - то было в бреду, как всегда:
Твой ветер пять заволок мне глаза;
И если упала большая звезда –
Она растворилась в дожде, как слеза.

Поверь мне, я видела бархатный снег:
Он мягкий и теплый, как пух с тополей;
Как странно, что снова зима здесь навек,
И я ухожу в мир вакантных ролей.

Приснится мне сад, где жасмин и сирень,
И рой лепестков меня станет кружить;
Ты только прости, что наш сгинувший день
Заменит мне все, что хотелось прожить.


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