Bye sun home ru

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Sunshine in Past
Sunshine in Future
Sunshine in Present
Sunshine Могучий

bye-bye, скажи goodbye,
шелком по рукам,
упасть к его ногам,
и закричать от радости.

night-night, скажи goodnight,
его вены слишком хрупкие
для этого мая.

There is a demon among us whose soul belongs in hell
Sent here to redeem us, she knows it all to well
He comes and goes, he comes and goes, she knows it all too well
But when all is said and done
The sun goes down

She tries her best to leave him, but she is still captured by his spell
She knows now she must deceive him, he knows it all to well
She comes and goes, she comes and goes, he knows it all too well
But when all is said and done
The sun goes down

She comes and goes, she...

Путь прекрасен на рассвете..
На закате он далек..
Наполняют смыслом дети..
Взрослым это невдомек..

Я играю на гармошке..
В этом смысле я дышу..
Нет, ну что Вы, это наш источник,
Я лишь смысл Солнцу отдаю..

Не понятно кто взывает..
К сердцу.. Выше.. Ниже.. Нас..
Это просто бабочка порхает..
Она знает, кто из нас..

В ней я смыслом все наполню..
Откажусь, оставлю там..
Этим Солнце я восполню..
И его отдам для Вас..

Не хочу об этом снова..
Ведь не нужно никому..
Этим тайну...

You are Welcome - No Entrens

Я найду тебя в тишине
Я постигну тебя в темноте

Ты мне снишься порою весенней

Ну а Летом Пьём Ночь
Мне Вселенская Дочь
Что порою шлёт письма по почте

They loved each other with delight
To self-oblivion. Devout
Was their affection, and the bout
Of their strong passion was so bright.

He met her when the Sun was setting,
And rainbow across the sky
Gladdened the kind dreamer’s eye;
High in the clouds a lark was singing.

They met by accident in the garden,
Where thousands of tulips bloomed.
The air was filled with sweet perfume,
Which was so pleasant and so ardent.

Their lips in rapturous elation
Whispered the words of gaiety...

sun inside your blouse
when you standing in front of sunset

смотришь закат -
солнце в твоей блузке

Flood-tide below me! I see you face to face!
Clouds of the west – sun there half of hour high –
I see you also face to face.

Crowds of men and women attired in the usual costumes, how curious you are to me!
On the ferry-boats the hundreds and hundreds that cross , returning home,, are more curious to me than you suppose,
And you that shell cross from shore to shore years hence are more to me, and more in my meditations, that you might suppose.


The impalpable sustenance of me from...

Spring Victory, joy and love
Hurry home, I go back again --
Home, home, home, home, home,
Europe, we will leave behind,
Home, home, home, home, home,
Europe, we will leave behind ...

That's behind us, a terrible war
Thing of the past, rejoice country --
Home, home, home, home, home,
Europe, we will leave behind,
Home, home, home, home, home,
Europe, we will leave behind ...

Dear, dear motherland you met,
We all remember this bright May --
Home, home, home, home, home...

When I breathe,
This sound in my chest
Lonelier than the winter wind

Этот звук в груди
Более одинок чем зимний ветер

My child not yet returned from playing somewhere
I take out the toy train
And run it myself

Ожидая ребенка, заигравшегося где-то,
Я достал игрушечный поезд
И покатил

For five blocks after I left home,
I walked like man
With something to do, someplace to go -

Пять кварталов от дома прочь
Шел я как человек
Имеющий дела, идущий по делам...

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