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quick buttrfly's shadow
i'm looking up... into sky...

Don't cry, Caterpillar
Caterpillar, don't cry
You will be a butterfly - by and by. Caterpillar, please
Don't worry about a thing
'But,' said Caterpillar,
'Will l still know myself - in wings?'

I sit through the long night
In the high tower,
And listen to the autumn rain
Outside my window.

There is no sound of human life,
Save now and then
A belated traveler hastening by.
Through the dark heaven,
A wild goose wings his lonely flight.
In the chill gloom
A cricket calls
The water drips mournfully
From the t'ung trees;
And the blossoms
Flutter sadly
To the rain-soaked earth.

Sadness broods
Over the world.
I fear to walk in my garden,
Lest I see

The child of the Volga region,
White, like a butterfly in the pitch black night
And fragrant, like an incense in the dungeon,
You stand alone in all your royal might.
Born by the land of the disgraceful strangers,
So cold and wild, and by the Heavens cursed,
Within the glades and mountain ranges,
You dwell on the summit of the Universe.
Your life is sad, but hopefully,
You are a luminary for this World, truly.

June 14, 2012

О, Madam Butterfly
Томик осени ярко-багрян...
Мы наверно забыли, что белые песни суровы
Мы остались смотреть перевернутый календарь...
Мы остались...

Звон безумных огней... Всё написано алой латынью
В этом белом краю черных платьев и титульных букв...
Где задумчивой тьмой растекались чернила святыни,
Где стихами сходил с эшафота ночей мой безудержный юг.
Да, любовь это вызов,
Да, соблазн это шелк.
Возвращение бабочек к касаниям южной молитвы...
Сквозь звучанье свечей, роняющих...

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