You are happy right now

It’s almost summer but a north wind keeps blowing. Day by day people start to wrap themselves up in warm jackets. Pretend not to be noticing that something is going on in the world.

But not you, you are wondering about such reactions, and slyly smiling behind that people’s back.
You are happy right now
You are noticing that for them nature, beauty of existence is no longer interesting. They are living in an optical illusion, abstracting from real life, and living to gain more and more.

It’s half past twelve. The north wind brought some clouds and it’s raining.

Struggling with insomnia, you took a jacket and went to a park.

Nothing could be better than spend some time on your own, strolling around. Being with yourself, you are trying to understand those people.

Looking for the answer, you are getting lost in conjectures.

Moscow starts to be the angriest city in the world. People wear fake masks. It’s much easier for them to hide emotions from everyone else.

Fake smiles, fake emotions, is turning them into dolls. They think that they can buy everything in the world. A main issue for them is money,” money rules the world”. They have gone blind, they have nothing more important that that issue.

Screw up your eyes you are trying to scream that that’s not what we live for. People don’t pay attention to what surrounds them. They do not save our nature; they destroy it day by day. And what will be fifty years from now? We will come from what we started and it will continue for many centuries till people will understand the meaning of life. Till people will learn, how to be happy without any money.

Pouring rain is falling and all your dress is soggy. A strong wind is trying to dry your hair and move you towards the thick of the forest. You like the feeling, when you don’t know what is going to happened next. You are just moving on. Without a fear you are standing in the middle of the forest. All the while somewhere strange noise agitates you.

A homeless puppy is sitting by one of the trees and letting out a howl. You never could forget that sad eyes which stared at you in the pouring rain.

Now it’s two o’clock in the morning. And you are carrying that puppy home. You are so happy in that moment because you always used to look for a friend who can be with you. Without any masks, who always would be happy to see you at home.

You gain what you had been looking for a long time.

Nothing could be better. Probably that is what our population will never understand that happiness is to see yourself in that puppy’s deep eyes and to know that you are not alone in this world.

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