Firstly, you seemed to me like an ordinary, but one of the most magic woman picture. Nest day you turned round, and just as i threw my look into your eyes, i threw it simultaneously to your rich, smiling, secret soul. And i would have fallen in love, if that moment i wouldnt study and use my mind, not just consciousness and spirit will. And now I see your eyes shining like a sadless star up on the evening sheet of blue deep eyes of God.
And the great Sunrise is sometimes just a parody on a second of time when you are appearing, taking queen step from the wall, and i do try to catch that second. But do not stop the time - it would become eternit, when we will walk by earthy feet and divine plan towards each other and look in each other eyes full of interest and love, and enter the way of living a life, with it s lessons and searches, and all the success will be reached by us as usual together. Forever. Thank you for loving me, thank me for loving you, the materialised breathe of God. Angels playing up on our heads, leading through the great stage. And we remember our real essenses, the Plan, the Life, the Love...
And the great Sunrise is sometimes just a parody on a second of time when you are appearing, taking queen step from the wall, and i do try to catch that second. But do not stop the time - it would become eternit, when we will walk by earthy feet and divine plan towards each other and look in each other eyes full of interest and love, and enter the way of living a life, with it s lessons and searches, and all the success will be reached by us as usual together. Forever. Thank you for loving me, thank me for loving you, the materialised breathe of God. Angels playing up on our heads, leading through the great stage. And we remember our real essenses, the Plan, the Life, the Love...
Обсуждения Love of September