
Коллекция публикаций по теме Flirt-Time.

Как долго я пыталась избавиться от этого чувства. Чувства чего-то незавершенного, недоделанного; ощущения нравственности. Все что Он делал, было непревзойденно, шикарно и немного невыносимо. Порой я уставала восхищаться увиденному, радоваться каждой Его улыбке и вникать во все, что было выпущено с уст возлюбленного; пусть даже не мне сказано.

Всегда казалось, что во всех фразах есть скрытый смысл, некая философия. Вот почему испытывать чувство нравственности порой невыносимо и утомительно...

Land of my dream
Day time will supersede the night and so on will continue for many generations. I know that it will stay the same until the moment we are together. I remember each time we spend; it was a moment we actually deserved in our life…

But sometimes you understand how much you love someone when you lost what you had.

My voice was anxious, when I sad “I’m leaving”. My eyes were crying when I looked at you, because at that time, I sow an inevitable end between us. Nothing exists...

The sand under the feet was moist and cooled bare soles. Waves moved on a beach with the next second join again the great ocean. A cold northern breeze pinched the skin and tousled the hair from time to time. The sun has almost disappeared beyond the skyline, left only a thin crimson line, which like an arrow pieced the distant sky. In that tardy hour the ocean begins to stir, to move, as if somebody has disturbed it, the grey mass of water was raging and rolling. The gale was approaching. Rain...

Day by day you are spending time in isolation. You try to extract yourself from routine. However, reality engulfs you; you have no time to be in your own world, a world of peace and freedom where everybody is kind.

You are old enough not to believe in such fairy tales.

But at night time you close your eyes, and a dream takes you far away from reality. It’s like a drug for you, but you cannot stop taking it. You like the feeling of being up in the clouds. But each time it hurts so much to...

What we live in.

Day by day you are spending time in isolation. You try to extract yourself from routine. However, reality engulfs you; you have no time to be in your own world, a world of peace and freedom where everybody is kind.

You are old enough not to believe in such fairy tales. But at night time you close your eyes, and a dream takes you far away from reality. It’s like a drug for you, but you cannot stop taking it. You like the feeling of being up in the clouds. But each time it...

Have you ever thought why children believe in miracles? Sometime ago every of us was a child. This is a true story of a small boy and a little girl whose dreams came true in the New Year night.

So, once upon a time on the eve of New Year night, the small boy was sitting in his room & reading a book. He read lots of books and this one was about pirates who were searching for the treasures. Those were noble pirates; they robbed only rich people & saved women and children. He imagined himself a...

Надо же, я смотрю на себя в костюме. Сопровождает меня в финалах, обозванных торжественными событиями. Один единственный, как в анекдоте. Выпускной, диплом, и вот сегодня, через пару часов, я представлю диссертацию ученому совету. Будет что-то справедливое, если меня в нем и похоронят. he'd wake up and...wash and pour himself into uniform: Никогда не любил. Не сам костюм даже, и не свой вид в нем, а ту сопровождающую костюмированное в галстуках сборище атмосферу, не естественности и скованности...

Главное знать, как попасть в точку... Желательно болевую. Get points... Со спутниковым телефоном и заплёванным ноутбуком. И помечтать о ресурсосберегающей экономике. Все эти страшилки «золотого миллиарда» и любавичского Хабада – о глобальном концлагере, вакцинации, чипизации и десталинизации. Именины некрофила. Жиды и быдло, народ Книги и народ Бутылки, богоизбранные и богоносцы, алчные и выпивающие – как учили фантасты quantum satis.

Понедельник – день тяжёлый был в детском саду. O”key. Ах...

It’s almost summer but a north wind keeps blowing. Day by day people start to wrap themselves up in warm jackets. Pretend not to be noticing that something is going on in the world.

But not you, you are wondering about such reactions, and slyly smiling behind that people’s back.

You are noticing that for them nature, beauty of existence is no longer interesting. They are living in an optical illusion, abstracting from real life, and living to gain more and more.

It’s half past twelve...

Firstly, you seemed to me like an ordinary, but one of the most magic woman picture. Nest day you turned round, and just as i threw my look into your eyes, i threw it simultaneously to your rich, smiling, secret soul. And i would have fallen in love, if that moment i wouldnt study and use my mind, not just consciousness and spirit will. And now I see your eyes shining like a sadless star up on the evening sheet of blue deep eyes of God.

And the great Sunrise is sometimes just a parody on a...

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