Yearning in the fall

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Energy... the universal power,
making any thing and matter one.
It creates eternal tower
of everything that was and should be done.

Existence... the calibration source,
giving all its name and special task.
Where energy is a special force
that's up to place ideas on the desk.

Divinity... the existential ocean,
where every essence plays its role on stage.
Where energy is spinning in a motion...
and it is so at any time in any age.

O World of Love, you’re full of joie de vivre!
Your eyes surpass the grandeur of the Sol,
My saintly tart, my goddess and my peer,
Thou art more beauteous than a rainbow!

We are together in this Universe,
The Sun has married us for evermore;
No evil spirit, nor the sorcerer’s curse
Will ever ruin our immortal amour.
February 22, 2012

1. Куплет
I didn't know before,
That I can love any more.
I didn't know one time
That you can be mine.
I didn't know that tears,
Hide behind the walls of realities,
My soul has become so bright.
She radiates so much light.
You’re are my,
I'll be yours.
It's all serious
I'll be yours.
You’re are my,
All the time.
2. Куплет
Fate brought us together
And we'll be family forever.
Trouble is nothing to us.
Fly away problems dust.
Our children are growing up,
Happiness be...

Now you're going slightly nuts
With all your plastic desires
With all your trivial dreams
You want nothing but to fire
All of them full of beans
When the world becomes a little bit concrete
And all those clowns displease
You will find me out on Main-street
Dancing with the holy trees
Weary of not doing
The things you want to do
Tired of pursuing
Things you never wanted to
Of ail! your plastic desires
Of alt your trivial dreams
You want nothing but to fire
All of them full of...

Endless curse, blood runs cold
Evil stare, will turn your flesh to stone
Land of doom, world of sin
All subside, don't venture near
The island where she lives
Oh, she'll suck you in

Destroyer of life, Demon
Oh I'm ready to strike, Gorgon

Serpents bride, the end awaits
Human prey, no swords or armor
Shield you from your fate
Hey you, you can't escape
Wicked smile, full of lies
Head of snakes, approach her cave
But don't look in her eyes
Oh, her eyes

Seize, appease, deceive...

Verse 1:
I sit upon the empty sand
And gaze up to the everlasting waves
Wrinkles of the former smiles on my face
Melting sense of your burned skin on my palms

And if somebody ask me
Why have sadness settled in me?
Why do my eyes light off?
Why do I stand aside another love?

And I'll say,
I'm waiting for a blue sky
I'm waiting for a answer to question why
I'm waiting for a bright day
I'm going to wait in spite of winds and rain
And no matter what they say

Толерантность смерти.
Самобытность замкнутого пространства.
Выцветшие губы не ветру,уносящем мысль.
Хрипота в прокуренном голосе любви.
Идиотский смех ребенка-дауна,
Кому суждено свершить Великое.
После чего Чело возымеет по периметру Разума Ореол Гения.

Колесо в движении.
Паутина искривленных измерений.
Обрывающиеся следы на краю бездны.
Глаза очарованные затмением.
Муравьинная дрожь по коже.
Круг на земле нарисованный одиночеством.

Осенние пейзажи вселенной...

Cats sleep anywhere,
Any table, any chair,
Top of piano, window-ledge,
In the middle, on the edge,
Open drawer, empty shoe,
Anybody's lap will do,
Fitted in a cardboard box,
In the cupboard with your frocks -
They don't care!
Cats sleep Anywhere!

'Witch, witch, where do you fly?...'
'Under the clouds and over the sky.'

'Witch, witch, what do you eat?...'
'Little black apples from Hurricane Street.'

'Witch, witch, what do you drink?...'
Vinegar, blacking and good red ink.'

'Witch, witch, where do you sleep?...'
'Up in the clouds where pillows are cheap'.

Oh, I can't explain
Every time it's the same
Oh I feel that it's real
Take my heart
I've been lonely to long
Oh, I can't be so strong
Take the chance for romance, take my heart
I need you so
There's no time I'll ever go

Cheri, cheri lady
Going through a motion
Love is where you find it
Listen to your heart
Cheri, cheri lady
Living in devotion
It's always like the first time
Let me take a part

Cheri, cheri lady
Like there's no tomorrow
Take my heart - don't lose it

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