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On the turning away
From the pale and downtrodden
And the words they say
Which we won't understand
"Don't accept that what's happening
Is just a case of others' suffering
Or you'll find that you're joining in
The turning away"
It's a sin that somehow
Light is changing to shadow
And casting it's shroud
Over all we have known
Unaware how the ranks have grown
Driven on by a heart of stone
We could find that we're all alone
In the dream of the proud
On the wings of the night

Winter has come
And the snow’s covered the land.
All the jobs have been done
And the year’s coming to end.

Fir-tree lights are burnt
And the people are wishing for good.
All the lessons are learned,
All the values are understood.

Let the old year go away,
Let the New Year come to my land
Let the old friend never betray,
Let the new friend give me a hand.
Let the people live always in peace
Let prosperity come to their homes,
Let their kindness ever increase,
Let them see...

Mohito-Latte with a Baileys inside,
Twilight around the sky,
Baden-Baden does easily dancing aside,
As fire on candles, as shy.

So merry, so easy, so fastly and funny
Is shining the careless snow,
My soul is free, it's abundant and clear -
The old world going too low

It's heard, as the trees are whispering on the bridges,
Making a bless in a river,
It's heard, as a rain will go by and somewhere,
With climate of roses, believe it

It's heard, as a wind is still singing it's songs...

Дождь набивает Pigs on the wind Pink Floyd.
Вчерашний вечер взрывается облаком памяти.
Сырость не так уж страшна, когда меня ждет
Щедрость твоей ласки, блеск влажного взгляда,
Мед и молоко наготы, звездного сада
Плоды в горячих руках…скоро…скоро…лишь дай мне
Терпением скал прибрежных стоический дар.
Небо провисло в окне
Ветошью смуглой.
Одиночество расставания нам
Катализатор нежного света.
Вспомни интимные сети парковых хвой, фонтанов пудру.
Вспомни закат Филадельфии.
Я буду

Since when taboo becomes your law,
When dreams began to fade
Vows crush upon your gentle shore
Wind blows away my face

With every single word I’ve cried
Your cruel, angry soul
Just watched at me with evil smile
And throwing stones upon

So that’s the end, it’s my decline
My very final bow,
There’s left no how, there’s left no why
Just sandy desert shore...

There Is the Moon,
That's reflexing on February snow,
That is singing up high all alone,
I will come to You soon

There is the Moon,
That is shining on somebody's face,
That is watching humanity race,
Just reversing a noon

There is the night,
That is calling for Brightening Light,
That is waiting for heat of the Sun,
For God whims have been done

There is the Time,
That in Universe doesn't exist,
But on Earth it is hidden in mist,
Deep inside in the mind

There is the sky...

Devil take, as the sun
Spills from a cloud light!
To me as though again
Eighteen, you are right.

And in all four fingers
Wind - the hooligan -
Jumping with a singing,
Skips along the plain. :)

The wind is in high frolic with the rain.
Outside the garden a little yellow leaf
Clinging desperately to its mother branch

I pick up the leaf
And put it in the book,
Giving it a home.

Замечательно всё, жизнь просто прелесть,
Я дыханием елей, упоительно нежусь.
Разгоняя на сердце, любовный дурман,
С головой непокрытой, в осень иду.
А в осеннем лесу, необычная свежесть,
И деревья в низинах, укутал туман.
Значит всё, мне теперь одному,
И чего-то не будет, как прежде.
От седого дождя, никуда не бегу,
Листьев слушаю , тонкий шелест.
Что случилось, поверить ещё не могу,
Невозможно забыть, мне дарившую нежность.
Я в хорошее верю.... кричу облакам.
Может смогут понять...

Verse 1:
I sit upon the empty sand
And gaze up to the everlasting waves
Wrinkles of the former smiles on my face
Melting sense of your burned skin on my palms

And if somebody ask me
Why have sadness settled in me?
Why do my eyes light off?
Why do I stand aside another love?

And I'll say,
I'm waiting for a blue sky
I'm waiting for a answer to question why
I'm waiting for a bright day
I'm going to wait in spite of winds and rain
And no matter what they say

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