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Стихи - Happy Earthly Birthday
Walking in alleys of Love,
He thought of his purpose in Life,
Then suddenly changes had come,
It felt like a Bliss or some
He escaped the Land of the Home -
The Universe alleys of Heat,
The other shell came all alone,
The body with soul kept fit
For Eight months of time of the Earth,
He walked then in streets of the Light,
Then suddenly changes had come,
And he appeared alive
He was born at twilight nine o'clock,
At the shining of February snow,
The truth of his Essence was...
He thought of his purpose in Life,
Then suddenly changes had come,
It felt like a Bliss or some
He escaped the Land of the Home -
The Universe alleys of Heat,
The other shell came all alone,
The body with soul kept fit
For Eight months of time of the Earth,
He walked then in streets of the Light,
Then suddenly changes had come,
And he appeared alive
He was born at twilight nine o'clock,
At the shining of February snow,
The truth of his Essence was...
Автор: listengort888
Стихи - To My Muse
You bloom in my heart like a beautiful rose in summer.
You cherish my spirit and give me the sense of delight.
Your innermost dreams and incredibly zany desires
Are so fantastic and bright.
Your radiant smile is wonderful, gorgeous, magnificent.
Your ugliest beauty and perfume’s voluptuous smell,
Your tender embraces and the warmth of your passionate kisses
Just take use to heavenly hell.
You’re always with me in my whimsical dreams and illusions
And never before have I been so happy...
You cherish my spirit and give me the sense of delight.
Your innermost dreams and incredibly zany desires
Are so fantastic and bright.
Your radiant smile is wonderful, gorgeous, magnificent.
Your ugliest beauty and perfume’s voluptuous smell,
Your tender embraces and the warmth of your passionate kisses
Just take use to heavenly hell.
You’re always with me in my whimsical dreams and illusions
And never before have I been so happy...
Автор: JoanBlack
Стихи - Политическая Борьба
Казалось бы пришёл короновирус, беда...
Но, между Трампом и Куомо развернулась борьба...
За мёртвые души, видать для кого-то
Чем хуже, тем лучше, вот то-то...
Какой-то дурдом, в высокой смертности
Хотят обвинить Белый Дом...
А статистика такая, если тебе за 80,
И ты к примеру диализ, маешь, то от короновируса ты погибаешь.
И знаешь ведь им уже не важно
От чего на самом деле ты там умираешь....
И это конечно же большой минус.
Но для них это плюс, в официальной статистике напишут...
Но, между Трампом и Куомо развернулась борьба...
За мёртвые души, видать для кого-то
Чем хуже, тем лучше, вот то-то...
Какой-то дурдом, в высокой смертности
Хотят обвинить Белый Дом...
А статистика такая, если тебе за 80,
И ты к примеру диализ, маешь, то от короновируса ты погибаешь.
И знаешь ведь им уже не важно
От чего на самом деле ты там умираешь....
И это конечно же большой минус.
Но для них это плюс, в официальной статистике напишут...
Автор: misha770
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