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Heaven is for everyone
If you're old or if you're young
Baby, you can't kiss the past goodbye
When I saw her in the night cafe
Just near by the Champs-Elysee
She lookes so sad, she breaks my heart
She told me, she will take the car
And drive to an unknown star
She falls in love with someone else - not me
And I know, my tears will never dry
When I heard her say just goodbye
I never say, she guilty, guilty for my love

I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love...

Sometimes I see the old dream
That I’m in the chopper again.
Sometimes I hear the scream:
“There are too many of them!”

Sometimes: the gunner is killed,
The chopper’s engine is off,
Sometimes I really feel
That my heart has nearly stopped.

Sometimes I’m to Baghdad again –
From “Griffin” I fly to “Green Zone”,
Sometimes rocket fire & then…
I wake up in my bedroom alone…


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