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Oh, every day and just every night
I see your face, babe, on my laptop screen
You're high and low and just between
Oh, every day and just every night
I send an e-mail to dream factory
I asked if you're reality
But more and more I like you more than just before

Oh, la da die, oh, la da da
Only a vision, Mrs. Robota
Oh, oh, oh, la da die, oh, la da da
Only a computer without a heart

Oh, Mrs. Robota - just a fantasy can break my heart
Mrs. Robota - only a fiction right...

Why Love is so hard to be defined?
Exactly, main source is the Love.
That's what everyone is up to find,
That is that goes from ground to Above.

The one who makes the active, lusty searches
Coordinates in chances with the one,
Who fell in dreams of something great and gorgeous -
They both do live under the same Sun.

And anyways, affinity of passion,
Or Higher Love - it's all about the deal
That means the most impressive world's action,
That has to be immediately revealed.

You know, my girl,
I need you to write my story.
You love to fly
But now you are by my side.
It’s you I need,
And there is no point in worrying.
Time to decide
Say Hi or Good Bye

Why do you cry,
Wonderful lady?
Why do you cry
Fighting a fear?
Why do you cry?
Just tell me why?
I’m like a blind
Running behind you.

How many people
Just wanna be friends of mine
How many girls
I’ve known in my life
Why do you cry
Open your mind
Give me your palm, I can't live without...

You bloom in my heart like a beautiful rose in summer.
You cherish my spirit and give me the sense of delight.
Your innermost dreams and incredibly zany desires
Are so fantastic and bright.
Your radiant smile is wonderful, gorgeous, magnificent.
Your ugliest beauty and perfume’s voluptuous smell,
Your tender embraces and the warmth of your passionate kisses
Just take use to heavenly hell.
You’re always with me in my whimsical dreams and illusions
And never before have I been so happy...

Мой товарищ Роман – специалист по литкритике
Поэты, говорит, слабаки и нытики.
Не хочу соглашаться, и сами видите.
Но all is full of love.
каждый день, раскрывая глаза,
от импульсов, как ото сна
дна, без фраз избитых и заносчивых,
слез, соплей – просто кончились, кончились -
all is full of love.
Это мантра, открывающая путь на небеса,
Это слеза, успевшая долететь, прежде чем ты сказал -
all is full of love.
волокно, обтягивающее твое...

Forgive; forgive me, o my bonnie lass
For my unwritten messages and letters.
Years, like thunderclouds, pass,
A-freeing us from our fetters.
Forgive me your severest heartache,
My arrogance, which caused you to feel so;
Inside your mind there rages an earthquake,
Which can be subdued by sympathy alone.
The day will come, and we will be united
According to the will and by the pow’r of Him,
Who sent us forth into this world enlightened
From His Celestial Kingdom of Eden.
Eternity will...

Jerusalem exults with joy:
Behold ye Christ the King!
He is the only true envoy
Jehovah’s. Let us sing
The chants of faithfulness and love,
True Love of ether high,
Whose herald is the peaceful dove;
Turn hearts to Jesus: aye!

Men of the world, praise Him, rejoice
And bring Him precious gifts
And listen to His assertive voice
And live in grace and thrift.

October 11-12, 2012

O sleepless night! I am in love with you!
O youthful night, the belle of the ball!
Thine veritable messengers, the stars, the comets
And the meteors
Arrived on time.
How majestic they are, these celestial bodies!
How magnificent is their canticle in the night!
They are the witnesses of golden ages and falls
Of the ancient empires.
Bloody tyrants, impostors and prophets they know by sight.

Tell me, o Night, wherefore we live and die?
Or do we just lie down and leave time?


What for you infiltrate my dreams?..
You know you're married now
Tied up with wedding vow

Live your life, watch your wife
The past in peace will rest
Good bye and all the best

Звучит аккорд, а значит, будем петь,
И голос сердца потечет со сцены,
Мы вспомним всех, кто подарил на свет
Зелинского, Шекспира, Авиценну.

Нас школа снова вместе соберет,
Забросив все, к тебе спешим на встречу,
И принесет бумажный самолет
Детей, с огнем, заженным здесь навечно.

Мы здесь стоим, и значит, будут жить
Научный храм и кузнеца талантов
Дружить, расти, смеяться и любить,
Застыть в нерукотворных фолиантах.

We sing together, Happiness and Fire
In our hearts, until we...

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