Happy new year

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Как хочется её тебе обнять,
Поцеловать и просто поболтать,
Но она не для тебя сотворена.
Людям служить должна...
А ты всё ждёшь её
С надеждою в глазах,
И веришь: снизайдет
она к тебе...И в прах
Рассыпется всё вмиг...
И пред тобой появится любимой лик...

Белоснежные крылья,
Глаза голубые.
Она- просто ангел
И любит тебя.
но, увы, служит людям.
Бог решил всё за вас:
Happy enda не будет!
Так предначертано на небесах...

I want to return there,
Where there lives hope belief and my love.
I want to tell only that hasn't forgotten you,
I hope you haven't forgotten also me?


If I return there,
Only a pain and a regret
Will meet there me,
Having forced to reconcile what not to return to me you

I will be happy then,
When you will forgive me -
I will always remember you
Not come true my dream!

Не сбывшаяся мечта моя!

Хочу вернуться туда,
Где живет надежда вера и любовь моя...

Пораскиньте мозгами, поэты!
Как летучая мышь, спите днём,
По ночам - расписные букеты
Украшаете рифмой из снов…

Заключая в лихие буклеты,
Собираете «связки из дров»,
Иссушённые рифмой сонеты
Вы готовые, бросив на пол,
Заплевать словоблудьем памфлета…

Коли – мыши, поверьте - не сверить,
Мысль ночную с реальностью дня.
Убеждаете граждан поверить,
Что творили во имя, и, - для,
Забывая - не чтимая челядь
Никогда не читает стихов,
Власть отбила желание сверить,
Диалектику рифм...

Another Christmas...
Same sage.
One step closer
To a new age.
Energy spins
In hidden tornado.
Wie gehts, meine lieb

It was in a twilight of fresh world cleft,
Million nights from the Equator left,
Nations were searching for a chance to unite.
However, the life was always a fight...

I have been spending my time in somewhere,
Sending a voice of Divine out of there,
And it was a second when stars were shining coquetly,
When Angel in clothes of human was being an actor.

I sent him a knowledge of truth and heat of its Home,
Said that it wouldn't be long, but eternal as stone,
That God is...

Big blue eyes, coquettishly flowing...
What is it there to be going?
Just for a while, Love strikes you again,
You have to decide, is it worthy of pain...

Shine, Girl, Shine, and don't miss the train
Of real possibility of happiness shooting.
Love of divinity awares of vain,
It's lost in a state of each other's moody...

Sun would shine forever, whatever it is,
Love is on Top of all that Life stuff.
Feel the Existence, oh, gorgeous Miss...
With Love you are One. Without - just a...

I’d like to stop the Earth
To be summer always
For having fun and
Not losing the Sun

I’d like to stop the Earth
For people have
A bit less happiness
And not to find themselves in hell

I’d like to stop the Earth
For in many countries the wars will end

I’d like to stop the Earth
For my and everybody’s will and health

But, alas!

You bloom in my heart like a beautiful rose in summer.
You cherish my spirit and give me the sense of delight.
Your innermost dreams and incredibly zany desires
Are so fantastic and bright.
Your radiant smile is wonderful, gorgeous, magnificent.
Your ugliest beauty and perfume’s voluptuous smell,
Your tender embraces and the warmth of your passionate kisses
Just take use to heavenly hell.
You’re always with me in my whimsical dreams and illusions
And never before have I been so happy...

Don't U forget
To take all you wish to take
With yourself into the Mystery!..
Life wasn't a useless fake,
It means so much for the History
Of Earth deeds. What your Spirit needs
Is a new fresh flash water splash,
Again U will find!..
Awakening Consciousness and Mind...

Have U already met you Love?
The Twin Flame, sent from Above?
Did you guess the meaning of Life?
Have you passed it at least a half?..

Search for a Moment
Of Glory of God!
Drive the Existence van!
Any Tree or...

They loved each other with delight
To self-oblivion. Devout
Was their affection, and the bout
Of their strong passion was so bright.

He met her when the Sun was setting,
And rainbow across the sky
Gladdened the kind dreamer’s eye;
High in the clouds a lark was singing.

They met by accident in the garden,
Where thousands of tulips bloomed.
The air was filled with sweet perfume,
Which was so pleasant and so ardent.

Their lips in rapturous elation
Whispered the words of gaiety...

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