Full moon

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Mohito-Latte with a Baileys inside,
Twilight around the sky,
Baden-Baden does easily dancing aside,
As fire on candles, as shy.

So merry, so easy, so fastly and funny
Is shining the careless snow,
My soul is free, it's abundant and clear -
The old world going too low

It's heard, as the trees are whispering on the bridges,
Making a bless in a river,
It's heard, as a rain will go by and somewhere,
With climate of roses, believe it

It's heard, as a wind is still singing it's songs...

Экстази взрыв,
Один за одним,
Оргазм раненье тел внутри. Неудовл лечи!

Well ive been sitting thinking of your smile and all of your perfect solutions and getting drunk with the boys just don't cut, fills you full of illusions.

"Создай восторг, нескучай" - тебя я очень жду: "твоих губ волне внутри во мне растворите"... радость на лице светнесс (-ness [nes] или [nis]) с друзьями выпить но не спать... "иллюзив вне себя ощутите".

I'm always tired and sometimes stale, its like a job at...

Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!
Even though it be a cross that raiseth me;
Still all my song would be nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!
Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down,
Darkness be over me, my rest a stone;
Yet in my dreams I’d be nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!
There let the way appear steps unto heav’n;
All that Thou sendest me in mercy giv’n;
Angels to beckon me nearer, my God, to...

Two brains in my head, my mind is out of control
Looking for blood, looking for meat
I see your minced body under cover of the night
Pale, like the moon above
Trembling hands, sweat on my lips
Can't believe it, can't believe
I'm posessed, posessed
Pure water washes the death away
Cleans my conscience, my conscience
Dawn is coming smashes me to the ground
Brings me back, to reality, to reality
Demons are exhausted in the glaring light
Tiredness grabbs at me embraces me so...

O World of Love, you’re full of joie de vivre!
Your eyes surpass the grandeur of the Sol,
My saintly tart, my goddess and my peer,
Thou art more beauteous than a rainbow!

We are together in this Universe,
The Sun has married us for evermore;
No evil spirit, nor the sorcerer’s curse
Will ever ruin our immortal amour.
February 22, 2012

The sunset blazes ‘pon the vault,
This afternoon dies slowly forever,
The world is overfilled with weariness and fatigue,
Another episode of this life’s masquerade
Comes to an end…
The curtain falls…
And beauteous Agnes Adoma,
The prima donna of the opera house,
A-shining in the luster of her fame,
Leaves her beloved stage to the ovation
Of the spectators.
Her eyes! Her gorgeous green eyes!
They shine, like emeralds in the midday fire of heaven!
Her skin is white, like a snow of the...

Матушка "Геюшка" -Ой..,Ой..,Ой..,
Что с тобой делают? Где твой покой..!
"Демоны" с "зомби" мир захватили,
А по другому- они "азраили" (симиты),
Мир разрушают с позиции силы !
Сила их в деньгах, в бомбах, в лукавстве слова,
С Богом сражаться- всегда готовы,
Гробят Господа урожай,
"Ад" создают крича, что -то "Рай"..!
"Рай" создающие в космос стремятся..,-
Ох.., насмешили же, дай насмеяться,
Знают- конец на земле их ждет,
Думают, что спасет их полет...
Дом уберечь свой не в состоянии...

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