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1 Couplet: (1 Куплет)
You lja me, beautiful, angel. (Ты для меня прекрасный ангел)
I love you so much, I am in love. (Я люблю тебя очень сильно, я влюблена)
You the fine, marvellous, wanderer. (Ты прекрасный, дивный странник)
But, for me it is not enough. (Но для меня этого не достаточно)

You the closest person for me. (Ты самый близкий человек для меня)
I am ready on all for the sake of you. (Я готова на всё ради тебя)
I want with you always beside to be. (Я хочу с тобой всегда рядом...

Я нимогу поверить в то , что ты делаешь со мной;
Возможно это сон, но наши эмоции льются рекой;
Задыхаясь от счастья я помогу тебе рукой;
Дотянуться до луны и обжечься звездой;
Перед тем, как ты обнимешь мысли мои;
пройди за мной и услышишь тайну за стеной...
Как я хочу жить,
Молча любить,
Как я хочу дышать,
Сидя летать,
Слышать звуки,
Кипящей крови.
2 куплет:
Я нимогу поверить в то, что делают со мной люди;
Бросают, как игрушку и снова берут в руки;

The armour glinted harshly dull
In beams of setting sun,
Its polished parts sat smartly on
To shield the solid One.

He stood there rock,
A metal spur
On stones of mighty wall,
Beyond of that came ever high
The flags of City Hall.

His squinted eyes were watching far,
His hand was grasping bow,
Cast arrows ramped for piercing flight
And sword –
For clashing blow.

Those craven foes…
They dared not to come to Warrier’s sight.
They shrank in holes
And damned cursed
With voices...

When we say goodbye I feel empty.
I feel like I am nothing, but lonely.
When we say goodbye I realize
How much I love you and how much I care for you.
When we say goodbye, I realize what it would be without you.
I don't ever want to say goodbye,
I only want to say goodnight and see you in the morning.

Странные выдались нынче сутки,
Льется вместо дождика нежность,
вместо обид- милые шутки,
вместо молчания - откровенность...
Роем пчелиным жужжат самолеты,
горек нектар военных посевов.
Снег Хиросимы в пчелиных сотах,
блюз распада - "Ever forever".
Цветом розовым манят вишни
в сад камней, где журавлик белый
по-японски танцует. Лишний
иероглиф - мутация тела...
Память плачет звоном набата,
Черной тушью с белой страницы.
Цвет вишневый и боль утраты-
дождик нежности над столицей.

Have I ever felt that weak as I take a look at child?
Feeling tenderness and love, filling up my heart and mind
Have I left my soul in baby that would not allow forget her?
Though it’s been a year now since I left her…since I left her…

Want to kiss her hands, her fingers and embrace her very tender
Want to be her dad, her friend, any kind of surrender
Realize my guilt and blame all the steps I made like blind
Pray that God will not apart me with my one and only child…

If one day you'd backed up a promise you made
We'd have to make it a holiday
'Cause we both know that day would never come again
If one day your word was as good as gold
It'd be too late cause I'd be too old
I don't think a human being could live that long

I never gave a damn
I was never even a fan
The only thing that makes me smile if your pain
I don't even care
When did you treat anyone fair?
To say I'm not enjoying this would be insane

Sodium Pentathol was an idea I had

We all see black and white
When it comes to someone else's fight
No one ever gets involved
Apathy can never solve

FORCED OUT- Brave and Mighty
STOLEN LAND- They can't fight it
HOLD ON- To pride and tradition
Even though they know how much their lives are really missin'

On reservations
A hopeless situation
Respect is something that you earn
Our Indian brothers' getting burned
Original American
Turned into second class citizen

Cry for the Indians
Die for...

You're a train ride to man importance
You're in love with hell existence
Money is all that you desire
Why don't you pack it in and retire
It's common sense you can't fool me
I'm just the money that you can't let free
Rainy day genius clouds your mind
don't you realize the blind lead the blind

You're anti, you're antisocial

Oh mister time will you ever unwind
Or just rebuild a new design
Your claim to fame is law and order
The rich get rich, the poor get poor
You put a price tag...

Standing on some dotted line
Reacting to the hands of time
A circumstance that I've been fed
Leaving questions in my head

Find the space that was left bare
An empty space I'd gladly share

One must live while one must die

Combined paired up for so many years
Unsure if I really want to shed a tear
Signing off is always so clearly done
A number 2 is now reduced to one

Find the space that was left bare
An empty space I'd gladly share

When your clock is up
And you rest for...

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