Чм 2012

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Ты мне снилась ночами
Большими очами
Ты дарила надежду и счастье

Я как малый ребенок
Был застенчив и робок
В твое сердце я робко стучался

А в итоге мы вскоре
Разошлись, ты - на море,
Я ж в тайгу на охоту подался

Но твой образ чудесный
Вспоминал с каждой песней
Он с куплетом ко мне возвращался

Поезд мчит меня на юг
Я тебя люблю,
От житейских бурь и вьюг
Еду я на юг

Мы стареть не хотели
Но года пролетели
Одиночества уж не боюсь

Но любовь как вино
Чем старее...

Любовь и Смерть – на разных полюсах
Как плюс и минус
Счастье и несчастье
Как седина пирует в волосах
Как солнце закрывается ненастьем

Вы были врозь, поодиночке, навсегда
Разведены, покорные нетленью
А ныне стали только тенью
Погасла ваша путеводная звезда

Никчемен опыт и пирует меч
И пала плеть на плеч матовоспелость
Мне не успеть на неизбежность встреч
Мне не понять веков окаменелость

На разных полюсах…
Но все же есть стремленье
Напорство суеты на жизненный простор...

Be thou blessed, Aurora, sister of Eos! The Heaven shines with the splendor of Deity! O Ra, Aten, and others with them, ye shine like diamond dew in the South, like diamanté snowflakes in the North. And ye grant life to all the living creatures. Ye generously spread your rays in the face of the Earth. The World celebrates the Sunrise.
February 2-4, 2012

O World of Love, you’re full of joie de vivre!
Your eyes surpass the grandeur of the Sol,
My saintly tart, my goddess and my peer,
Thou art more beauteous than a rainbow!

We are together in this Universe,
The Sun has married us for evermore;
No evil spirit, nor the sorcerer’s curse
Will ever ruin our immortal amour.
February 22, 2012

I saw the multitude of shining constellations,
A-looking at the heavens through your eyes.
The destiny has sent me satisfaction,
However, I haven’t found the Paradise.
The stellar light is beautiful and blessed,
But it comes from the stars, which are already dead;
Our love, our love, which hopelessly lasted
A while, tears my heart to pieces, splits my head.
I won’t disturb you, all is gone forever,
The Universe belongs to us no more.
The ashes of our feelings are a feather,
Which is a...

Forgive; forgive me, o my bonnie lass
For my unwritten messages and letters.
Years, like thunderclouds, pass,
A-freeing us from our fetters.
Forgive me your severest heartache,
My arrogance, which caused you to feel so;
Inside your mind there rages an earthquake,
Which can be subdued by sympathy alone.
The day will come, and we will be united
According to the will and by the pow’r of Him,
Who sent us forth into this world enlightened
From His Celestial Kingdom of Eden.
Eternity will...

In the flashing current of the urban life
In the cocktail of voices and sirens,
‘Mid the northern tempests, blizzards
And the fogs above the rivers
Thine life-giving voice is testifying
Of the coming of her Majesty the all-good Spring.
And you sing, and you sing,
Although you aren’t a nightingale,
Thine quiet silvery song is louder than the crack of doom.
It flows like sweetest music,
Which gives hope, invigorates and emboldens.
And the Earth casts off its icy test,
The sparrow’s...

Under the yoke of the winter
You slept, lethargic, in the North.
The evil king, the Frost, oppressed you,
But the power of the Sun
Has demolished his wicked kingdom!
Your dazzling-white petals,
Your gentle scent, intoxicating and alluring,
Has won over the permafrost.

May, 2012

The clouds of risen Peroun
Pass, like celestial shields.
He casts the lightning like unblunted arrows
Across the sky and down to the earth.
The thunder thus proclaims the end of the era of ice,
And blessed rain and hail
Consecrate herbs and forests,
Serving the burial service over the deceased Winter.

May-June, 2012

The child of the Volga region,
White, like a butterfly in the pitch black night
And fragrant, like an incense in the dungeon,
You stand alone in all your royal might.
Born by the land of the disgraceful strangers,
So cold and wild, and by the Heavens cursed,
Within the glades and mountain ranges,
You dwell on the summit of the Universe.
Your life is sad, but hopefully,
You are a luminary for this World, truly.

June 14, 2012

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