In the New Age, with the possibility
Of looking at Life Spiritual,
We now may let ourselves
Make spots of past effectual
And now we see differently
Past and the "Here and Now"
We guess: all that happened was Holy,
The Idea of God was allowed
So, everybody, let's Thank
Everyone who was following a script,
Choosing the Fate by themselves,
Who made the old World be slipped
It will not be easy, my friends,
But sometimes it will be too simple,
And, anyhow, it will rise us
On Stairway to Enlightenment, stipple
Thanks to Princess Diana
How opened the Chakra of Heart
In Britain, where in a mist
Love was away and apart
Thanks to fascist Hitler
That allowed the Jews to Unite,
Who taught us the Art of Forgiveness,
And let the souls incarnate
Thank you to all in two towers,
Who in Greatest Day of the Earth
Suddenly escaped the planet -
We remember and wait for Rebirth
Thank you, oh God, for the Tests,
And we thank for the Cross ourselves,
Because we have chosen the life
Where difficulties are not melting
Thanks for Uprising of Spirit,
While meeting the people on Way,
Who made our lives more difficult
Let's take the offenses away
Right Now, let's Forgive everybody,
Who told us the lie and disturbed,
We all are United initially,
And body is only reserve
At Home we Are brothers and sisters,
Swimming in streams of the Love,
And We were so pleased to apply
To come to the Earth from Above
This life is Eternal forever,
And there Will Be Heat and the Light,
We reveal the Essence of Angels,
And open the Consciousness Might
We Thank and Forgive, Farewell,
We Remember, we Love, in a Prayer,
We Cure our Essence of Soul,
Aspiring to God - to the Human, in Layer...
Of looking at Life Spiritual,
We now may let ourselves
Make spots of past effectual
And now we see differently
Past and the "Here and Now"
We guess: all that happened was Holy,
The Idea of God was allowed
So, everybody, let's Thank
Everyone who was following a script,
Choosing the Fate by themselves,
Who made the old World be slipped
It will not be easy, my friends,
But sometimes it will be too simple,
And, anyhow, it will rise us
On Stairway to Enlightenment, stipple
Thanks to Princess Diana
How opened the Chakra of Heart
In Britain, where in a mist
Love was away and apart
Thanks to fascist Hitler
That allowed the Jews to Unite,
Who taught us the Art of Forgiveness,
And let the souls incarnate
Thank you to all in two towers,
Who in Greatest Day of the Earth
Suddenly escaped the planet -
We remember and wait for Rebirth
Thank you, oh God, for the Tests,
And we thank for the Cross ourselves,
Because we have chosen the life
Where difficulties are not melting
Thanks for Uprising of Spirit,
While meeting the people on Way,
Who made our lives more difficult
Let's take the offenses away
Right Now, let's Forgive everybody,
Who told us the lie and disturbed,
We all are United initially,
And body is only reserve
At Home we Are brothers and sisters,
Swimming in streams of the Love,
And We were so pleased to apply
To come to the Earth from Above
This life is Eternal forever,
And there Will Be Heat and the Light,
We reveal the Essence of Angels,
And open the Consciousness Might
We Thank and Forgive, Farewell,
We Remember, we Love, in a Prayer,
We Cure our Essence of Soul,
Aspiring to God - to the Human, in Layer...
Авторская публикация. Свидетельство о публикации в СМИ № S108-55737.
Обсуждения The New Age