Мои стихи  

Про зимний Ретрит

Оставил я дома вагонку и Рейки,
А в завтра зовет Подкова.
Заплакали ноги при виде скамейки -
Дзенская радость сурова.
А тем кто не въехал, сюда не доехал -
Повысьте свою концентрацию...

On The Turning Away

On the turning away
From the pale and downtrodden
And the words they say
Which we won't understand
"Don't accept that what's happening
Is just a case of others' suffering...

Miracle Of Life

I was old
When I was born
I was feeling cold
And my soul was torn
I walked alone
In solitude and sorrow...

Phoenix Rising

Day by day, watching you disappear
Wishing that you were still here beside me
On my own, swimming against the tide
There's nobody on my side but your memory
Chorus 1:
Then you'll rise right before my eyes...

We All Need Some Light Now

Some people think
Think they have none
They might as well stay down
Running in circles
Like bulls in a ring
'Til the sword finds it's way down...


Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

The Sun Goes Down

There is a demon among us whose soul belongs in hell
Sent here to redeem us, she knows it all to well
He comes and goes, he comes and goes, she knows it all too well
But when all is said and done
The sun goes down
She tries her best to leave him, but she is still captured by his spell...

Join Me In Death

We are so young
our lives have just begun
but already we're considering
escape from this world
and we've waited for so long
for this moment to come...