

Описание фото Calligraphy

The word “Calligraphy” comes from the Greek and means “Beautiful writing”.

Nowadays Western Calligraphy is practiced more and more widely and has gone far beyond the traditional boundaries of the past.

It can be used for “utilitarian” purposes like invitations, advertisements, logos, quotations, awards, book jackets, calendars, family trees etc.

The hand-made forms have the power to convey personalization, a sense of human warmth, intimacy, poetry or intense emotion.

The different styles of writing can manifest different qualities, such as elegance, excellence, respectability, sumptuousness, extravagance, or being charmingly simple, playful and humoristic.

Calligraphied letters are organic and powerfully vibrating with life.

Calligraphy can be also pure art beyond criteria of legibility. The work becomes “image”, it soars towards the realm of pure graphism, associated with color, hand-embossing, gilding, the possibilities are of an infinite richness of variety.

I practiced martial arts in the past and I am still practicing music. I feel that Calligraphy is very much akin to these disciplines; there is the intuitive chant or dance of the pen, the bold flow of energy, the harmonious music of lettering texture with its rhythmic patterns, the simple joy of creating beautiful forms.

What I also like in Calligraphy is that it enables one to articulate a message in a special way which highlights certain works, giving them eventually a mystic resonance which speaks directly to the heart.

Writing in the ancient times was considered as something sacred, a gift of the Gods. It is still possible to find this sacredness in Calligraphy, to learn through it to be an instrument of the manifestation of Beauty in the ancient ways or in a new way for the manifestation of a new force.
(сборник Картинки).

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