Holiday Song
Композиция Holiday Song из альбома Come On Pilgrim исполнитель Pixies
Информация о треке
Исполнитель (автор): Pixies
Альбом: Come On Pilgrim
Загрузил на сайт: MirniyAtom
Размер файла: 3.08 Mб.
Битрейт: 192 kbps.
Время звучания:
Скачано: 177 раз
Текст песни
Well sit right down my wicked son
And let me tell you a story
About the boy who fell from glory
And how he was a wicked son
This ain't no holiday
But it always turns out this way
Here I am with my hand
He took his sister from his head
And then painted her on the sheets
And then rolled her up in grass and trees
And they kissed 'till they were dead
This ain't no holiday
But it always turns out this way
Here I am, with my hand
Well sit right down my evil son
And let me tell you a story
About the boy who fell from glory
And how he was a wicked son
This ain't no holiday
But it always turns out this way
Here I am, with my hand
This ain't no holiday
But it always turns out this way
Here I am, with my hand.
And let me tell you a story
About the boy who fell from glory
And how he was a wicked son
This ain't no holiday
But it always turns out this way
Here I am with my hand
He took his sister from his head
And then painted her on the sheets
And then rolled her up in grass and trees
And they kissed 'till they were dead
This ain't no holiday
But it always turns out this way
Here I am, with my hand
Well sit right down my evil son
And let me tell you a story
About the boy who fell from glory
And how he was a wicked son
This ain't no holiday
But it always turns out this way
Here I am, with my hand
This ain't no holiday
But it always turns out this way
Here I am, with my hand.
Треки альбома «Come On Pilgrim»
Обсуждения Holiday Song