Death Singing

Композиция Death Singing из альбома Peace and Noise исполнитель Patti Smith

Информация о треке

Исполнитель (автор):
Размер файла: 6.77 Mб.
Битрейт: 256 kbps.
Время звучания:
Скачано: 185 раз

Текст песни

In the straw-colored light
In light rapidly changing
On a life rapidly fading

Have you seen death singing
Have you seen death singing

With a throat smooth as a lamb
Yet dry as a branch not snapping
He throws back his head
And he does not sing a thing mournful

Have you seen death singing
Have you seen death singing
Have you seen death singing
In the straw-colored light

He sings a black embrade
And white opals swimming
In a child's leather purse
Have you seen death swimming
Have you seen death swimming

With a throat smooth as a lamb
Yet dry as a branch not snapping
He throws back his head
And he does not sing a thing mournful

Have you seen death singing
Have you seen death singing
Have you seen death singing
In the straw-colored light

He sings of youth enraged
And the burning of Atlanta
And these viral times
And May ribbons streaming
And straw-colored curls a-turning
A mother's vain delight
And woe to the sun
And woe to the young
Another hearse is drawn
Have you seen death singing
In the straw-colored light.