Anyone Can Play Guitar
Композиция Anyone Can Play Guitar из альбома Pablo Honey исполнитель Radiohead
Информация о треке
Исполнитель (автор): Radiohead
Альбом: Pablo Honey
Загрузил на сайт: poops
Размер файла: 4.99 Mб.
Битрейт: 192 kbps.
Время звучания:
Скачано: 217 раз
Текст песни
Destiny, destiny protect me from the world
Destiny, hold my hand protect me from the world
Here we are with our running and confusion
And I don't see no confusion anywhere
And if the world does turn
And if London burns I'll be standing on the beach with my guitar
I wanna be in a band when I get to heaven
Anyone can play guitar
And they won't be anything anymore
Grow my hair, grow my hair
I am Jim Morrison
Grow my hair
I wanna be wanna be wanna be Jim Morrison
Here we are with our running and confusion
And I don't see no confusion anywhere
And if the world does turn
And if London burns I'll be standing on the beach with my guitar
I wanna be in a band when I get to heaven
Anyone can play guitar
And they won't be anything anymore
Destiny, hold my hand protect me from the world
Here we are with our running and confusion
And I don't see no confusion anywhere
And if the world does turn
And if London burns I'll be standing on the beach with my guitar
I wanna be in a band when I get to heaven
Anyone can play guitar
And they won't be anything anymore
Grow my hair, grow my hair
I am Jim Morrison
Grow my hair
I wanna be wanna be wanna be Jim Morrison
Here we are with our running and confusion
And I don't see no confusion anywhere
And if the world does turn
And if London burns I'll be standing on the beach with my guitar
I wanna be in a band when I get to heaven
Anyone can play guitar
And they won't be anything anymore